Hey twig, “You want to come home with me?”
The question that I was internally (and sometimes externally) asking as I walked around Warren Park yesterday, collecting twigs for my newest installation—
This outing seemed very different then when I was a kid and I had the chore of going out and picking up the sticks and debris out of the front lawn after a big storm… here, I was actively searching out those random twigs…on purpose.
This whole madness started when I found a book at the thrift store on the artist Chris Drury and his environmental works. I loved how his pieces had a very organic feel but things were placed in a different order and shape, maybe even a nature redirected.
I liked how his pieces felt alive and filling their lungs with air in their new space and shape and I wanted to explore that experience… although his scale is too large for my apartment. I craved to play with the twigs and see what could happen.
So hence, going out on Tuesday afternoon, two empty bags and I setting off to go “Twig Hunting”
Who knew how many twigs would be waiting for me- I planned this piece to be able to fit on the coffee table-otherwise I would be moving my bed out for the piece to fit in my apartment…sometimes I do need to place limits on the size of my work…and this is why the four foot long twig could not come home with me, sorry twig.
So here I sit on the floor in the middle of my studio… a big pile of twigs and a tube of super glue…let the fun begin!