Tag Archives: recycle

The Recycled Self ~ Looking In The Mirror Of Introspection

The past three weeks have been about fine-tuning everything necessary to apply for art/gallery shows. So far it has been a month of exploring how my artwork informs my psyche and exploring the image of myself reflected in the mirror of introspection. I have asked myself endless questions and spent hours writing about myself in […]


I wanted to dedicate today’s blog to the many other blogs and green friendly sites that I enjoy. Their focus is geared towards recycling and wonderful advice in how to lessen our carbon footprint.   You will find these blogs are filled with great ideas and information that will help in the pursuit of a […]

Happy Earth Day

I am beginning to think I am the only person that can look at a pile of trash and suddenly see art supplies manifesting before my eyes. Today is a great day as the sun is out and it is a beautiful spring day. Happy Earth Day to YOU!   All I wanted to do […]