100 Days Art~ Update

Today is day #14

As a recap… I have committed to creating 15-minute sketches every day for the next 100 days. These will be posted on my Facebook Page as #100DaysArt, and throughout the project I will post selected works on “Word Tattoo”, so you can follow along.


Although, I am only on day #14, I can honestly say that so far this has been a very interesting learning experience. It is providing me an opportunity to challenge my creative process. Some of the sketches have turned out great, others … not so much. It seems that the learning curve in this is more of a roller coaster than that of a gentle ebb and flow. The main thing that I have learned so far in doing these exercises is the time restraint is causing me to think in the moment and figure things out. I do not have the luxury to plot out my every line, forcing me to resort to quick damage-control fixes when I realize that something weird happen. I just have to work through it and make it happen… and be prepared to watch it crash and burn sometimes.


After creating the sketch, I step back and critique it as I slowly fine-tune my awareness of perceptions by asking three questions. What did I observe? What is really there?  What have I placed on the page?  Comparing how these three are similar and how are they different.  This forces me to confront the elements of drawing that I am less developed in. In my mind I see what I have done wrong, but I often have difficultly making the pencil move correctly to create this.  I feel that working on the daily sketches will help move forward in my art.  So… this is the next step in my creative process.

Day # 10~ Not So Good

Day # 10~ Not So Good


Day # 8 GOOD

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