ARTIST…How Do You Promote Yourself To The World?

We are all part of a community of artist and we have the ability to help each other be the best that we can become. We all have the ability to create!


So with this in mind several days ago I created a message to send to some of my favorite Facebook artist inquiring about what techniques they use to market themselves, using social media platforms and other on-line venues (e.g., Website, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr)  (my shameless plugs).

I want to take this opportunity to share with you seven of the things I learned from their responses. They are listed here in no particular order. Please feel free to share this blog with anyone you think might benefit from this information.


I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone for their input and help!


1.The one thing that was consistently expressed is that there are no hidden secrets to creating the perfect online presence. The best thing that one can do put all of your info out there in as many places as possible and cross your fingers and hope for the best.


2.Try to engage people using social media. Comment on their posts, and respond to their comments on yours. FB is all about relationship-building.


3.Run a SEO scan on your site via It’ll give you a greater perspective on things you can tweak on your site. Also, make sure your site is registered or submitted with all of the major search engines so you get a higher return in search results.


4.Whenever you’re blogging, reach out to a few key twitter followers and request a retweet if you know their reach can better connect to your desired audience. Also doing a bit of digging in twitter for # hashtags that relate to your post is a good thing for increasing reach. Be sure to tweet and post links to any publicity you’ve received.


5.One thing that has helped has been showing work, handing out my cards like candy, and participating in open studios, and going to all the openings around town that I am able to


6.Becoming active in art leagues and artist guilds are great ways to give back and to network.


7.Build relationships with fellow artist and share links on each other sites and blogs to increase visibility.


So the main thing is to keep putting your self out there online and in person over and over.  The internet has changed so many things in the art world that we are at a point where we are able to create new rules and methods for presenting ourselves to the world as artist. It is a great time to be an artist! If there is anything that you have found beneficial in marketing or ways to increase your visibility. Please feel free to add them to the comments below.

One Response to ARTIST…How Do You Promote Yourself To The World?

  1. Pablo says:

    This is wonderful and useful advice. Thank you!

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