When moving forward into any new territory. There is always the potential for numerous thoughts and emotions to surface. Many that you were previously unaware that they existed… (Something similar to that of digging a hole in the ground to plant a tree and hitting a buried electrical wire.)
This is what I have been surrounded by for the last several weeks. I know that from my past that if I continue to do the same everyday that I have in the past I will not create opportunity for new change. That I will be forever stuck in a holding state, the limbo hell of the creative.
So in order to break this cycle. I must crawl out of the pre-assigned box that protected me and examine all that I have completed over the past year. Confronting a long list of questions to determine if there are different methods that I can utilize to help me move forward in my art career. All the information that I was able to obtain throughout the adventures of the last year is the fodder that will fuel my ideas for the future.
From this point on I must be willing to tear down, deconstructing everything. Selecting the most sustainable building material and combined with consulting a new blueprint, with better design features. I continue to build a newer version of “ME”.
I realize to most, this might not seem like that much of a big of deal, but as I am working through this I am realizing that it is a long process and it is not something that unfolds in a linear fashion.
For me it is very easy to determine what were the less than perfect choices and what were good ones, for me those had very clear set parameters. Where the confusion starts to build is when I have to determine the difference between good and the best choices. This is clearly one of the lessons I need to learn moving into the New Year.
But I know and I am willing to accept that this is one of many things I need to learn as I move forward.
So the journey continues…