One Becomes Three

2014 ~ The focus was to combine everything together; Artwork, Flying Dolphin Studio and my massage practice. The blog was the playground that everything gathered twice a week to interact and play. The thought process (or at least my understanding of it) was if everything was located in one location it would be easier for me to maintain. This worked out relativity well, until the components started to grow and expand as each required a new distinctive playground.


The challenge of 2015 is to pry these apart allowing each to expand and grow in the directions that they need to. This forces me to step back and release my preconceived ideas surrounding what it “should” be.


Bottom line is that my ecosphere is now divided into three uniquely different worlds that need nurturing and love in different ways.

But this allows me three different playgrounds in which to visit and explore!


What does this mean to you, my audience?


You will have several new ways to connect and interact with me. I have listed some of these below. It also means that the next newsletter might take on a different look as it will be much shorter and will only cover information and events of that subdivision… and at some point my website will be split up into two sites:

Artist – Me

Flying Dolphin Studio – Business


There is a learning curve…I admit this is a process so it will not be completed all in one day. I invite you to join me and enjoy the journey as we walk the path into 2015 together!



Facebook Page:

John-Michael Korpal- Personal

John-Michael Korpal –Artist

Integrated Bodywork with John-Michael




John-Michael Korpal / Flying Dolphin Studio

Integrated Bodywork with John-Michael

Word Tattoo~ Blog



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